Researchers Combine Evidence to Foster Study Enrolment: Perspectives on Putting into Practice what we Know for Studies Involving Black Women

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To date, much research has been done on physical activity (PA) both in generally healthy individuals as well as in those with chronic diseases. Because we understand some of the most common benefits of exercise, such as improved mood, prevention or management of chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidaemia), increased energy, and more restful sleep, PA is now considered a common disease prevention and management modality and is addressed within current clinical practice guidelines for a number of chronic diseases. Yet, many investigators find it challenging to enrol and/or maintain enrolment of a segment of the population that could benefit greatly from PA- older Black women.

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We make the case here that attention to details of culture, lifestyle issues, and identifiable barriers can appropriately address some of the challenges researchers face in enrolling in studies this hard-to-reach population of sedentary older Black women who need to find ways to increase energy expenditure in their everyday activities, given their risk for the negative consequences of sedentary lifestyle, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes (T2D), and cardiovascular disease. Because the Black community is rife with health disparities resulting from sedentary lifestyle and obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease and T2D, interventions that target Black study participants, in particular, older Black women should consider multiple individual and community based approaches.

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